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Welcome to The Indian Mathematics And Science Association

Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the Indian Mathematics and Science Association are as follows.

Encourage the study, research and advancement of mathematics and Science.

Write, compile and publish journals, books and reports in mathematics and sciences.

Assist, subscribe to or cooperate with any other society, having objectives similar to itself.

To establish a forum for the research workers and teachers of mathematics and Science for exchange of ideas through regular periodic meetings.

Publish the Journal titled, “The International Journal of the “The Indian Mathematics and Science Association” (IJIMSA)

Invite distinguished scholars to deliver memoirs and special lectures on their own contributions.

Conduct faculty development programme (FIP) to enhance professional competence and educational excellence.

Foster academic-industry collaboration that bridges technological advancements, enhances research findings, and develops solutions for real-world challenges.

Ignite and nurture interest and proficiency in mathematics and science among students from the earliest age through competitions, certifications, felicitations, training and mentoring programmes

Organize conferences, seminars,symposia and workshops on various fields of mathematics and science.

Hold periodic meetings and discussions to improve the teaching of mathematics and science for the benefit of the public interest.

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